to Your Health

Ms. Orly Moses | Experts' Clinic Manager
Plastic Surgery

Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery in Israel specializes in procedures for reconstruction of organs, improving appearance or the correction of cosmetic defects. Herzliya Medical Center applies the latest technologies in plastic surgery, including minimally invasive surgical techniques.

Every year, more than 1,500 procedures relating to the field of plastic surgery in Israel are performed at Herzliya Medical Center. Cosmetic surgery in Israel includes all plastic and cosmetic surgeries; correctional surgery of the body, anti-aging procedures, correcting contours of individual organs (for example, nose or ears). Skin grafting is another, often sought-out reconstructive surgery designed to eliminate the effects of burns or injuries.

The exceptional quality of care and treatment in Israel, in addition to adherence to strict surgical protocols, guarantee that all esthetic and complex surgical interventions are safely and successfully carried out.

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at HMC

The Plastic Surgery Unit of Herzliya Medical Center meets the most stringent international standards, both in the quality of medical services and cutting-edge equipment. The Department of Plastic Surgery cooperates with qualified doctors and anesthesiologists who have deep knowledge and experience and are able to cope with non-standard situations. Herzliya Medical Center has modern laboratory facilities, medical imaging department and ICU staff, who are engaged in the planning process of all plastic surgery and rehabilitation.

Plastic surgeons at Herzliya Medical Center practice an individual approach to each patient when planning plastic or cosmetic surgery. In preparation for the surgery, plastic surgeons use computer simulation. Virtual plastic surgery assists the patient to select the best option that suits him/ her; they are also able to consult with the plastic surgeon if a particular feature is technically feasible.

Modern technologies of plastic surgery in Israel, such as laser or minimally invasive surgery, allow you to have surgery on the face and body, leaving no visible scars and do not require long-term rehabilitation. At Herzliya Medical Center, many plastic surgeries are performed as an outpatient basis, at the end of the procedure and medical monitoring; the patient does not require hospitalization and can return home to fully recover.

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