to Your Health

Ms. Orly Moses | Experts' Clinic Manager


LiposuctionLiposuction in Israel is carried out in Israel’s leading private hospital “Herzliya Medical Center” by surgeons who are specialists in the field of plastic & cosmetic surgery and have been operating for years with successful results.

The high professional level of plastic surgeons and the most modern medical equipment has brought “Herzliya Medical center” its fame in the field of cosmetic & plastic surgery in Israel.

The use of innovative technology allows specialists at HMC to achieve excellent results, guaranteeing high efficiency with minimal danger of complications.

What is Liposuction?

Liposuction is one of the treatments available to remove excess body fat in certain areas of the body. This procedure is one of the most common plastic surgeries in Israel and can effectively improve the shape of the body without causing systemic changes in its structure. Unlike bariatric surgeries to reduce the volume of the stomach, liposuction does not require further changes in lifestyle. Only people who are healthy can undergo liposuction, the removal of fat give s them an opportunity to lead a healthy life and to enhance their appearance. Liposuction is administered only when exercise and diet do not help to shape one’s body.

Why Choose to Go Through Liposuction in Israel?

The development of plastic & cosmetic surgery in Israel, as well as extensive expertise of the specialists at HMC,  allow safe conduct of liposuction procedure to correct the contour of different areas of the body, such as:

  • Neck and chin
  • Thighs, including internal and external surfaces
  • Stomach area – the front wall and lumbar
  • Buttocks
  • Lap
  • Ankle
  • Liposuction is an effective method of gynecomastia treatment (breast reduction in men)

It is important to note that liposuction is not a treatment for obesity and its accompanying metabolic disorders, as it is not used to eliminate manifestations of cellulite caused by a violation of lymph microcirculation. Preparation before operation Herzliya Medical Centers Plastic Surgery Department conducts an individual approach for the necessary preparations before a liposuction procedure in order to guarantee high efficiency and to achieve the desired results. Depending on the method and on the extent of liposuction, patients will be offered a local or general anesthesia. The patient has to inform the doctor about all chronic diseases, drugs used and allergic reactions in the past.

How is Liposuction Conducted in Israel?

Cosmetic surgery centers in Israel practice modern methods of liposuction. The choice of technique depends on the location of the procedure, the amount of adipose tissue to be removed, as well as the individual preference of the patient. Experts at “Herzliya Medical Center” provide full information about the kinds of surgical intervention practiced in hospital for liposuction, among which should be noted:

  • The classic or “dry” method of removing fat tissue, which means that through small skin incisions a tube is introduced and a special catheter is connected to a machine that creates negative pressure (vacuum). Adipose tissue under vacuum is sucked from the subcutaneous layer
  • Liposuction with a preliminary injection of local anesthetic drugs and narrowing the blood vessels to prevent bleeding during the procedure
  • Tumescent liposuction is by far the most common procedure. The method is less painful and has a quicker recovery time. Tumescent liposuction is considered the least traumatic and effectively removes a relatively large amount of body fat. The method consists of a preliminary introduction of a special solution into the subcutaneous tissue, softening the adipose tissue. Innovative methods of non-invasive liposuction include ultrasonic and laser lipolysis. These methods are highly efficient in delicate areas of the body and do not require surgical intervention.

Postoperative Period

After the liposuction procedure swelling and / or bruising may occur and local tenderness. The final results of the procedure will be clearly visible after reducing tissue edema. It is important to note that during the liposuction procedure the skin is not exposed to any changes. Most patients can return to normal activities within a few days after surgery.

Why Choose to Have Liposuction at HMC?

Specialists at “Herzliya Medical Center” Private Hospital are constantly improving the techniques of plastic surgery, using the latest developments in the field of plastic surgery in Israel.

Liposuction surgery abroad and especially in Israel, at Herzliya Medical Center, is a popular procedure carried out on medical tourists due to attractive costs and the high-level of plastic surgeons’ reputation. HMC conducts thousands of liposuction surgeries for outbound & inbound patients.

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