Your treatment at the private hospital Herzliya Medical Center (HMC), Israel will be organized by the staff of the Medical Tourism Department at the hospital. The arrangements for the treatment begin before the patient’s arrival to Israel and are followed step by step, to guarantee an effective treatment in the shortest possible time. A personal Case Manager from our department is appointed to carry out all coordination work for the trip. The Case Manager is personally responsible for necessary preparations and organizing your diagnostics and treatment in Israel.
The main stages of treatment in Israel
Preliminary Stage
We plan all the necessary consultations and procedures according to the information given to us by the patient prior to their arrival to Israel.
- We gather all the necessary medical information, including the results of technical and laboratory examinations carried out at the patient’s place of residence, as well as all medical reports and discharge summaries. Additionally, we require a copy of the patient’s passport to confirm their personal data.
- The obtained medical information is then transferred to the Medical Consultant at HMC, to help decide on a medical program for the patient’s diagnostics and treatment in Israel. Patient is then notified of the recommended program by the personal Case Manager.
- Planning the necessary medical consultations, research and medical procedures. After setting the dates, the staff of the Department of Medical Tourism arrange the booking of the tickets and the hotel, airport pick-up and the necessary transportation services. The patient receives an official invitation for treatment in Israel which includes full contact information of the hospital and their personal case manager.

Arrival in Israel
After the patient’s arrival:
- An employee from the HMC Medical Tourism Department organizes the patient’s pick-up and meet them at the airport and their transportation to their place of stay or hospitalization.
- On the day of the patient’s arrival their personal Case Manager will organize a meeting where they will be presented with all the aspects of the suggested treatment program.
- The personal Case Manager will make sure to coordinate all appointments so the schedule is optimal for the patient’s state of health as well as their personal preferences, making their stay in the country as effective as possible.
- The Case Manager will inform the patient of any necessary changes in the diagnostics and treatment program, adapting it to the results of the examinations and specialist consultations at HMC. At this point, the final cost of medical procedures and the duration of stay in the country is determined.
Throughout the diagnostics and treatment in Israel, the patients are accompanied by a native-English proficient employee to ease the language barrier during the procedures.
Program Completion
After the treatment program is complete:
- The Case Manager will prepare a full report of the conducted diagnostic and medical procedures.
- The patient will be provided with medical reports, research results and complete recommendations for further treatment and observation.
- The staff of the Medical Tourism Department will assist in coordinating further outpatient care and observation, as well as further examinations and consultations.
Patients Arriving to HMC for Treatment Should Remember
The Medical Tourism Department at HMC are doing their best to give you the highest level of service available. However, when deciding to undergo a medical procedure in a foreign country, patients should be aware of the following points:
- The preliminary program of diagnostics and treatment in may change significantly depending on the result of further examinations in the hospital.
- The changes in treatment program in Israel may influence the duration of stay in the country and the cost of the medical services.
- The final cost of treatment is determined after the patient has undergone all the examinations, procedures and consultations .Feel free to contact us with any medical condition, question or concern.