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Ms. Orly Moses | Experts' Clinic Manager


Urology Procedures in Israel

Urology Treatments in Israel specialize in the diagnosis and surgical treatment of diseases of the urinary tract and the male reproductive system (due to its close proximity to the urinary tract). Urologists specialize in the treatment of congenital and acquired diseases of the urinary tract (ureters, bladder and urethra. Herzliya Medical Center private hospital has an excellent Urology Unit, which delivers minimally invasive techniques in surgical procedures.

Why Choose HMC for Urological Surgery:

Urological surgery is considered to be technically complex and requires skillful and experienced surgeons. Herzliya Medical Center offers multifaceted and numerous urological interventions by leading experts in the field of urology in Israel.

During surgery, the latest equipment and innovative minimally invasive techniques are applied, by which many manipulations are made without making large incisions in the perineal or abdominal wall. These minimally invasive techniques minimize postoperative complications associated with invasive surgeries, as well as assist the patient’s swift recuperation.

HMC’s Urology Department Focuses On:

  • Prostate surgery – open and minimally invasive interventions, laser vaporization and radical prostatectomy
  • Prostate biopsy
  • Treatment of erectile dysfunction
  • Surgical treatment of malignant tumors of the urinary tract, kidney and testes
  • Treatment of nephrolithiasis and urolithiasis (stones in the kidney and urinary tract)
  • Surgical treatment of varicocele and hydrocele
  • Pediatric Urological Surgery

Urologists at Herzliya Medical Center are leading experts in the field of urology in Israel. Timely treatment in Israel prevents the development of irreversible complications and significantly improves the quality of a patient’s life.

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